Civic Crown

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Civic Crown Civic Crown

Welcome to the Proud Boys of Arizona the ONLY legal, nationally authorized, Proud Boys organizations in Arizona.

Proud Boys of Arizona is a limited liability corporation authorized to do business within the continental United States. It is a Trademarked and Copyrighted organization of Proud Boys, LLC. All logos and names are owned by Proud Boys, LLC and are only authorized by this organization to be used in any adverting and/or publications. Any others calling themselves Proud Boys are NOT authorized by this organization and are simply a bunch of guys meeting in back yards or bars calling themselves Proud Boys.

The Proud Boys are a diverse group of individual Patriots that are American Supremacists and Western Chauvinists. Simply put the Proud Boys are the ultimate Patriots of America. The Proud Boys organization accepts males from all races. We are not racist, alt-right, criminals or thugs. The left-wing media likes to portray us as something we are not. Do not believe what the left-wing has said or printed about us, see for yourself. The left-wing lies about us because they fear us.

Proud Boys stand for the American way of life believing that the Western culture is the best culture in the world. Yes, we are aggressively patriotic. Yes, we believe in Western exceptionalism. Yes, we believe America is the greatest country on earth. Proud Boys have "old school" American values and believe every American is equal. Men are men and woman are woman and there are ONLY 2 genders. Proud Boys know which bathroom to use. Proud Boys lead a life of brotherhood. We understand that brotherhood is our core strength. We live our lives to better ourselves every day, to address our short comings and address our faults. We do this to be a better brother, a better husband and a better father. We encourage our members to father children in their marriages so that we can educate the next generation in the ways of Western culture, which is under attack by the left-wing. Proud Boys have a saying of "family first". While our meetings and rallies are "members only" we encourage members to bring their wives/girlfriends and children to Proud Boy events.

Proud Boys stand ready to defend our way of life. Proud Boys will not stand idly by and watch this country be taken over by liberal soy boys, antifa, or BLM. Proud Boys will not allow the left-wing to turn this country socialist or communist. Proud Boys will do what it takes to defend our way of life within the confines of the law. Proud Boys believe that liberalism is our greatest enemy. Liberalism has created antifa and BLM to riot when the left does not get its way. Liberals and the left want to destroy this country with their woke agenda which enslaves and indoctrinates Americans into believing the Western culture is evil and brings socialism and communism to the shores of America. The Western culture is what made this country the greatest country on earth and we will protect it.

Proud Boys stand ready to confront this left-wing agenda. Whether online, in the ballot box, or in the streets Proud Boys and the patriots of this great nation will fight back against the evil woke agenda of the left-wing. Proud Boys are NOT a criminal organization, we do not tolerate ANY criminal behavior. Proud Boys do NOT commit crimes, we work within the law to protect every American exercising their constitutional rights, including their right to free speech. Proud Boys understand that a different opinion is a way of life in America and encourage every American to express their opinion, even if it is wrong or not what we believe. But we will not tolerate violence against us or the American people who believe as we do. Proud Boys stand ready to defend and protect Patriots against antifa, BLM or any left-wing mob who do not believe in Western values. We go to pro-Trump and Patriot rallies to defend such Patriots. When antifa or BLM feels the need to create violence to stop Americans from voicing their opinion, Proud Boys are there to defend Americans against these evil left-wing mobs.

If you believe you have what it takes to be a Proud Boy, a male, and want to make a difference, join us. If you are tired of watching antifa and BLM create havoc and want to defend innocent Patriots from these evil organizations, join us. If you believe in our core tenets , join us and help fight the evil leftists. Become a Proud Boy today.